Dennis the fish
Dennis was a fish. He did fish-type things, went to fish-type places and enjoyed fish-type music. Each day Dennis would look outside his little castle to see many other little castles just like his occupied with a fish just like him.
Dennis did not like these other fish, these Doppel-Dennises. He didn’t like them because he was sure that they did not like him. Sure, when he looked at them they would look back, but the second he looked away they would lose interest. They would never come over to visit so Dennis decided to never visit them.
One day, while having a staring contest with one of his many enemies, Dennis saw a different fish, a fish that did not look like him. This fish was approaching Dennis’s foe.
“Oh no,” Dennis thought, “After all this time waiting for a friend, and my archnemesis gets to her first. He’ll turn her against me and she’ll always be mean to me.”
Dennis watched sadly as the new fish went up to his foe and tapped him on the back.
“Huh?” Dennis thought as he turned around.