
Decision Gate

After a few minutes, we arrived at the Decision Gate. It had the effect of a large spider web with a slight blue shimmer. Rinne drew close to the web, the nearby light shading her face. “It’s a work of art. I almost hate to dismantle it.”

Crash drew up to the gate last with her usual Aussie swagger. “It’s just one more Gate. Smashed one, smashed ’em all.” A representation of her favorite intrusion program took the form of a sledgehammer in her hand and she approached the web. Rinne and Marcus stopped her.

“Hold up. The Core’s been upgraded since our recon…”
“You can’t just smash this sort of thi…”

Crash paused for a second, and looked to Marcus. “You said yourself. we don’t have the time to be careful. The Upgrades still won’t be enough for this lil’ lady.” She patted the handle of the sledge.

Marcus thought for a brief moment, then nodded. Rinne followed suit, moving aside with a resigned sigh as Crash prepared her swing..

..and we were back in the lobby.

The alarms urged our escape.

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