
Done in by a +1 wooden sword

Loric let out a deep sigh, backed by long years as Justice. He cradled his beer in its well worn cup, as his unfocused gaze drifted over his fellows at the tavern.

“He slaughtered a dragon being raised by Orrin. Found it in a cave, deep into a sheep carcass. He claims he didn’t see the chains, and didn’t think about the gates he had just waltzed right through. With ‘Beware of Drake’ and ‘Private Property’ clearly posted in runes five hands high.”

“That dragon was worth a hundred bulls too. All the blood spoilt on the cave floor, worthless. Eight of us had to near hold Orrin down by her beard when she found out.”

“He claimed to have a tidy pile of gold in his ‘stash’. We took him there in shackles, and good thing too. ’Twas just a moldy box behind a tree. Of course it had been ransacked, probably by an ur-bear. The fool had put his food there too.

“Adventurers,” snorted Nebbus in agreement, disgust further lining his scarred face. “When will they ever grow up and learn to live a real life?”

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