
Sweet Innocence

She slowly licked her fingers clean, savoring the flavor. She smiled to herself. It was a delicous meal, and was caught very easily.
She stained her fingers in it’s blood again, and started to draw on the wall. The face of a very pretty woman. But as she painted the blood ran down the wall, onto the floor. Then girl frowned at this, and redrew the the pretty woman onto a piece of paper.
Satisfied with her picture, she ran her fingers threw the blood again. The girl then ran her fingers along the wall in an arch. She watched the blood slowly fall.
She picked up it’s heart and crushed it, giggling as she did. Then the girl smeered the heart on the wall, and giggles turned into laughter. She picked up the skull, and added it to the others on the shelves.
Ah, the joys of being young. Everyone thought you so sweet and innocent. Everyone was so willing to help you, and so easy to manipulate. Just like that pretty woman was.

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