(I don’t like something about this, but it’s hard for me to tell what specifically after reading it so many times. Fresh eyes are appreciated! Again, this is me pretending I can do character specific writing from a different time period) =)
first of all, there are no indications that this is a different time period as in some countries, arranged marriages still happen. secondly, it could use some line breaks/paragraphing. It needs an ending like “I want a divorce.” where he cuts her off mid-rant.
Elsha makes some good points, but for me the problem is this guy is just like his dinner… bland. And the wife comes across as a typical cookie-cutter annoying wife. Nothing in the story makes me want empathize with the guy, or dislike the woman. They are just average, regardless of the arranged marriage. As Elsha mentioned a nice “divorce” or “murder” or “just slap the wine out of her hand and storm out of the room” ending would help also. Even though the guy called her a cunt at the beginning, he comes across as a whiner.
Ah, sorry my bad. I forgot to mention that this is supposed to be the same character as the one from “Lady Luck and Motherly Love”. I didn’t want it to be a sequel cause it isn’t really one… Thanks Elsha and Krulltar! I do have the tendency to not have action in my writing (sigh), so the reminder is always helpful!
I have a pic, Oh Great and Powerful Krulltar – happy? ;P
Adrianna Serrano
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Adrianna Serrano
JC Tovil