Turning Towards Destruction
And all the while the climate is changing. Angry summers, persistent floods, beligerent blizzards. Grudging droughts and pissed off hurricanes. The poles warming and ice shelves calving. Permafrost slumping and glaciers receding. Sea levels rising and big cities sinking as ocean currents halt and super storms gust. Deserts expand and rabbits run and locusts swarm and army ants march and misquitos hunt and rodents over run. The balance undone.
Leaving crops destroyed and diseases vectored and famine and rioting and looting and war. The ocean turns acid and corals and shell fish and planktons disolve. The disruption of foodchains. The collapsing of eco-systems. Tonight on the Weather Channel.
Watch it now while you can because oil is peaking with no clear replacements.Production will falter as demand keeps increasing and the price which is rising now, will just keep on rising. Imagine the impact of the global economy. To the truckers and farmers. To your neighbors. Yourself.