A change
She was so far gone from the person that she wanted to be. How was she ever going to get back to a place where she was comfortable in her own skin? Quiting her job was the first step into taking back her life and making it something that she was proud of. Irresponsible and immature is what her family called it. She felt a little more liberated. Laying on the wet grass in the middle of the park she watched the clouds drift slowly by wishing she could climb upon one and go for the ride. Rain started sprinkling down again. She fought against blinking her eyes because she wanted to be so in that moment. She felt alive. It had been such a long time since she felt like she was real. Everything before this moment for the longest time was a droned out routine. No passion, just an everyday zombie parade. But not now. She could feel the shift inside of her. The want was so much more now. She knew it was a possibility and she smiled.