Still Chasing?
I remember a time when I was living life to the fullest while chasing my dreams. Hedonism and ambition surged through my soul. I was a firm believer that you could have and do anything if you only applied yourself.
The dreams crashed in flaming wrecks that burned anyone standing nearby. From the scraps of the wrecks, new dreams were built. Then they crashed and burned, spectacularly in most cases. More bystanders, friends, and family members were cooked in the heat.
Life stopped feeling like a chase towards some happy ending. It began to feel like the happy ending would have only occurred if the credits had been rolled a little sooner. The chasing of dreams was gone.
Suddenly, there was a struggle just to get by. Stress and turmoil followed me around like loyal dogs with a propensity for biting their owners. My cocky swagger and confident attitude had been replaced by something less.
I had to ask myself, was I still chasing? Did I still have dreams? Could I fashion new ones from the flaming wrecks?