If I haven’t made myself clear (or maybe you missed my comments on the subject), but I do not like clowns in the stories I read, unless the clown gets its comeuppance I don’t fear clowns, I just don’t like them. I feel the same way about mimes.
fortunately for you, I thought this was a oddly original and creepy, and I don’t rate stories based solely on if it has a clown in it or not…so you get all 5 pencils
Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of clowns myself. They’re just so damn creepy — which is part of why it makes such a great monster in this story. Of course, this was based solely on Steve Novella’s comment, with regard to acupuncture, in the episode of the SGU podcast mentioned above where he said, “You could have Bozo the Clown poke you randomly with toothpicks, and you’d get the same effect.” I thought that visual was so delightful I just had to turn it into a story. :)
To make the toothpicks stick, he’d have to push hard, and that idea is what makes this so creepy. It’s a horror movie trick to make you think you saw something you didn’t. oh and Purtry is hard to say..purrrtree, pure-try…purr-try..
Jim Stitzel
Jim Stitzel
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Jim Stitzel