Absolutely (disclaimer: I’m typing this comment with my fingers). I used Caps Lock for the capital letters and a strange sort of rolling motion for the question mark. Look at the placement of that key and you’ll see what I mean. I tried to do quotation marks but I couldn’t hit Shift + ’ without also hitting Enter or semicolon, so I gave up. I have a flat laptop keyboard that lends itself well to nasal literacy.
hahaha (nasal literacy). Ok, here’s the test— /???, yup it does work— I believe you. You’ve made a solid case and proved beyond a reasonable doubt that caps and question marks can be done with just the nose. Thanks for entering.
haha! learned something new.. and it wasn’t what my keyboard smelled like. Though after reading this i had to resist the urge to smell it. it’s like when you tell someone they can’t do things with or to their elbow, like lick it or put it in their ear.. and they have to try it anyway.. not me.