
Hunter: Born Again

Mack and Jason, I noticed, in another movie-like moment of slow motion, were crouching next to me. Amy was still sitting on the bed, staring at me in horror. As that moment passed my body began to convulse, and then my hands started to ache, as did my feet. My feet felt like they were bending backwards, sliding into themselves. My hands— fingers merging, thumbs being sucked into my wrists, nails growing back thinner, sharper, longer. Teeth slid out of my bleeding gums, sharp and pointy in my new mouth. My vocal cords— I could feel them straining to make sound, and then sound did come. A high keening noise, a painful noise to my suddenly sharp ears.

Quivering, I felt the pain start to dim, and I lay on the floor, still curled up, panting to catch my breath. Suddenly, a churning noise reached my ears— and then sharper, twisting pains in my torso.It felt like my stomach was erupting, like my heart had shriveled up and died— and then suddenly, everything was better. I felt… reborn. Like I was a new person.

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