He must be artistic! Reminds me of me when I’m drunk, I say: “Look! Look at the stars! They’re so far away but I can see them. I can see them!!!” The visual you create is always so fantastic and surreal and beautiful that I fall in love with every poem you write. Tad you make my mind more beautiful with every poem of yours I read. <3 _
I’m touched, PJ. You’re an absolute love. Thank you for being so sweet.
P.S. I like to hear that I stirred up a few intoxicated recollections! haha. 18 is the age limit in jolly old England is it not? I had to wait a whole three more years/ Just to drink a few beers/ Think/ In the US you can die for your country but you can’t have a drink.
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Tad Winslow
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Tad Winslow
D.E DeWitt