The boy whose mother never told him anything.
Once upon a time there was a little boy whose mother never told him anything. She had decided that no advice was better than any and that nagging was waste of time.
So she never told him to change his underwear, take a bath or brush his teeth. So he chucked the underwear, took showers and never forgot to floss. All in all he was happy, but prone to trouble, at times. Like the time his mother didn’t tell him not to touch a hot stove or run with scissors.
One day he was playing in the nearby forest. He had heard rumors that one shouldn’t play alone in the forest, but his mother hadn’t mentioned it, so he thought it was ok.
While wandering through the woods he came across a small house made of cake and cookies. Having never been told to eat healthy, he grabbed the nearest piece of icing and dug in. It was delicious.
After a bit, a little old lady came out of the house. Having never been told to be wary of strangers, he gladly “joined” her for dinner.
The End.