

trudge trudge Ethan huffed as he returned home from school. Another horrible day in a horrible week. He was having the worst luck, first making an ass out of himself in front of his entire home room, then a D on his English assignment, his life just got better and better.

And now that creepy girl was following him. Wait, creepy girl? He spun around to face her. Straight bangs, expressionless face, unblinking eyes. She was definitely creepy, but he didn’t know where he had seen her before. Gym class, church, WalMart?

He was in a bad mood anyways, a confrontation might be fun. “Who the hell are you?” he made a fist and glared.

The girl blinked quizzically and smiled “I’m Serafina. I’ve been assigned to you.”

Ethan blanched. “Assigned to me, what does that mean?”

She looked around jerkily “I am to protect, guide and serve you.” She blinked again, suddenly, she rushed Ethan, pushing him to the side. He lost his footing and flailed his arms comically.

This just keeps on getting better and better…

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