Interesting tags to your little poem. I don’t think war can necessarily lead to peace, but perhaps a reprieve from a given focal point of depravity. True peace comes later, from within, the great dream of humanity.
I agree. War leads to animosity. War leads to temporary solutions. In the long run it can never accomplish what I believe we as an entire people are destined to achieve— peace.
Dude, there is no longer such thing as peace! I beleive one day we’ll get there but it will be decades, nay centuries, before there is ‘peace’ in even one country. Like your poem says, there are only witnesses to ‘unity’, but unity can not unite people in peace if the means by which this is done is unfair, elitist and discriminant. I wish I could beleive in peace. Sorry for the rant.
To me, peace isn’t about rainbows and happy thoughts, it’s about having faith, and working incredibly hard to resist the negative,’ impossible’ theories people have about peace. I believe that if we search for the genesis of the idea that claims that peace is impossible and the perpetuation of this idea— you’ll find the countries and people that benefit from war. But the truth I want to impart is that the benefits of eradicating war are so much more monumentally greater! So great in fact, that it could begin a new era of breath taking advancement . Imagine what could be accomplished if the top minds of the whole world were united and striving for a common goal. Much is lost in the heartless, petty competitions that lead to violence. I’m just so sick of all the scum in the world. There are solutions! Be a part of something greater! Remember that cynics always sound more plausible than the cock-eyed optimists of the world, but they are wrong just as much of the time, if not more— S.K.
Thanks for your rant, PJ. I appreciate your thoughts, but I implore you to believe in peace. Which it seems you do, ultimately, and I like to hear that very much:)
I hope for peace, but I don’t think it will come in my lifetime. I’m a paranoid pessimistic pacifist with violent tendencies, so my view on peace is torn. I wish peace was possible, but I think the day we ever achieve peace on Earth will be the day the universe collapses in on itself. *sigh,, And we will never stop having wars and fights and murder… that’s human animal instinct. Protection or.. in the case of the Iraq war… greed. I have to forget about war and peace or I shall keep myself awake all night.
It’s tough to take a stance for peace because there are so many people who will cut you down for having that vision. It takes strength, and courage, and a wholehearted belief that goodness will prevail. It’s the path to enlightenement, and advancement. I hope that one day we as a people look back at war like we look back at other primitive means of solving problems. It’s not ok to kill someone for their possessions or money, and yet it is Ok, nay it is valiant and courageous for a country to do this to another, thus killing people on a mass scale. Yeah, that’s totally fine, and honorable. But don’t you dare do it on a smaller scale— that is wrong. Does anyone see how this is mentality is completely f***ed!
Fights will always happen, I’m not saying that you can control fighting. But on a massive scale you certainly can. On a massive scale it’s a highly premeditated action that can be stopped! I also want to say that its not the soldiers fault. It’s the system that created the monster known as the war machine.
Paraphrasing from Sun Tzu: “He who lives solely by warlike means shall perish, he who lives solely by peaceful means shall be exterminated.”
Just like a lot of things in life, it needs balance. Attempt non-peaceful means as much as possible, with war as a final alternative to be entered into with great care and consideration.