

We observe them, watch them, constantly performing experiments on them, although they do not know it. They would never expect US to be the REAL ones in charge.

They think they’re all that, when they can’t even use echolocation.

(clears throat)
But, in all seriousness, and, by my nature of science, I must ponder as to WHY they seem so… Unintelligent. However, for reasons of security, we must remain in a safety-zone, encased by this 6 in. layer of glass.

In my day-to-day studies of these odd creatures, I have determined many patterns in their daily life-cycles, such as their form of nutrition, which comes from some variety of the K-9 species (as monstrous as it seems), as well as their method of hydration, which, for some strange reason, incorporates “gators”, and somehow “aid-ing” them. What interests me most are these strange little devices they point at us, trying to coax us into doing some action in their bizarre language.

Fascinating… Simply fascinating.

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