Probably not a bad idea. It’s gone on much longer than I’d initially expected. If you want to steer it towards an ending, by all means give us increasingly obvious hints.
Interesting stuff. The writing is straight forward, but it works for the sterility of the med bay and the dialog. I thought the two days was a bold move, really steps us back from the action.
This is your guys’ baby. I’m just adding some color commentary and touches of humanity. Do as you will, but make it a good death.
Yeah, I gave that one a bit of thought before committing to it. It just felt right for the context. I feel like the story’s in the final run now, and I know, for my part, I plan to get all reveal-y, so the pace is going to slow down just a skosh. And if we can drive the next few installments the way I hope, I think the ending will be pretty cool. :)