If any prophecy could be true I’d put money on the Mayans. They were way too advanced for their own good… makes me wonder. But honestly I don’t believe for a second the earth will end on that day. And if I’m wrong, no one will be there to say told you so anyway, lol.
(TFB-10-5 points) I liked this story a lot and Mr. Winslow’s comment made me smile. The story sort of reminded me of The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The lack of spacing is a little hard on the eyes and with more characters available this could be fleshed out a little more. Overall it was funny and interesting. (No Rating)
I liked the clever link between the insignificance of the expiring of the milk, and the impending expiration of the planet – added to the whole ‘ordinary day – oh, no, wait, it’s the penultimate day of existence’ feeling…
Can’t tell whether this is a world where the prophecy has been proved right, or whether this is a particularly paranoid character, but it was a charming start to a story anyhoo.
Agree that it could have been expanded a little, and paragraphed better – but the storytelling was solid – MH :)