
Random Benefits to Lack of Agility

More intent on supplying himself with oxygen, Denton completely missed the lack of lighting as he hit corridor 7b2. In an inglorious moment of mass and momentum he slid through a puddle of something. A crack and a ping assailed his ears just before the floor smacked the back of the head. Coming to rest, sore and embarrassed next to a reinforced barrel twice his size, he listened.

“You missed heem.”

“Deed not. He felled.”

“Ja, before you hit heem.”


“Wait.” The voices paused for a moment, leaving Denton to wonder how ragged his breathing was. The first voice called out, “Hello der? You okay?”

With a gulp, Denton proclaimed, “This is private property after hours, and you’re not on the list. I’m going to have to ask you to vacate the premises…um, immediately.” A series of shots came in rapid succession, a less than witty rejoinder to his request.

“I know I get heem dat time.”

“How you know? Is totally dark!”

Denton considered slinking away, but then the voice came again, “Jack?”

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