One of your sillier poems, especially since I don’t think death from mercury is that quick…perhaps in a larger dose maybe? Usually it just drives one mad…as a hatter, even.
Mad as a hatter suits me. I’ll own that one, haha. One of the worst ways to die has to be guzzling mercury. Though it may be a fun spectacle to see a guy puke mercury onto the ground like a toxic, extraterrestrial waterfall… just sayin.
The worst way to die I saw on a film when I was 7. Just came into the room when my dad was watching it and this guy had his mouth wedged open and a snake crawled down his throat, so if you dont suffocate from the girth of the snake you die as it eats your organs. =[
Im sure mercury poison is just as terrifying.
As with most poems, I like the last line best, and not because its finished =P