Those eyes! So dark they glow, like the twin runes on his shirt. Our gazes meet; a former self comes out. Ragged breathing, racing heart. Remnants of a world once real. It pervades me still, and whatever I see. A world others have forgotten. They see it in black and white. I see as it was, in full color. But only in moments of fear. Otherwise it’s like everything was alright. He strikes me as somebody from there, yet he stands here on a crowded bus behind me with fierce eyes and illegal insignia. A glitch in time.
How would you feel a few inches away from someone who wants to kill you? Nobody else seems to notice. I tense for the lethal moment, while they sit listlessly. Then he gets off, leaves me alone. Adrenaline dissipates into slight tremors.
I’m back in the future, drained. Calm, yet not content. I know it will happen again. That is the only thing I can hold onto. Panic attacks are horrible, but they make me feel alive.
How paradoxical. Death makes you feel you live. But this is the survivor’s way.