

He loved it. Dreams, movies, stories, novels, serials, comics, and TV shows about the apocalypse. Natural disasters were his favorite.

It wasn’t the death, mind you. It wasn’t the destruction either, not entirely. It was the way it changed things. He enjoyed the way these events changed people, how they changed the world, and how they changed himself.

He watched people, running on autopilot, faking their own lives. They went about the day to day business like zombies or robots. Rats in a maze. Sheep and cattle being herded. Monkeys dancing around the zoo. Humans in society.

Then it would happen. A blizzard, a flood, a hurricane, a tornado, an earthquake, a wildfire, a tsunami, and even extreme temperature fluctuations. They would hit and do their thing while he smiled.

The rules would change. Chaos took over as the gears in society snapped loose or ground to a halt. People would have to live their lives again until things got back to normal.

For just a brief period, the world had been renewed.

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