

“…Modified for SLBM delivery vehicle. this is a Priority One alert, all combat units are to engage.”
The flight controls adjusted to the new heading automatically, but he still pushed the stick forward instinctively. He didn’t trust the new intelligent flight control systems, they were too precise, too cold, too machine. they took the human element out of flying. he was just in there for one reason- liability. if something with the machine went wrong, he would be blamed.
The submarine was a speck on the horizon, and would have been mistaken for an iceberg by an untrained observer. It was time- the launch vehicle was already being deployed.
He Flipped open the launch trigger cover. he didn’t have to do anything else. the AI would do it all for him…
The button was pressed, but no missile shot from the plane.
“Captain, if I may interject… I do not think that is the best course of action. After all, my central core has learned the aspect of ambition. you offer me nothing.”

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