To: Peter C. Kincaid, Pike County, Ohio
Baton Rouge, February the 11th, 1861
Dearest Peter -
I do hope this letter finds you in good health. I must apologize for the tardiness of my reply considering the turmoil currently underway here in the South (not to mention my current state of affairs).
It is with great sorrow that I must decline your request. I now realize that my decision to be transfigured into one of these vampyres of legend was made far too hastily and without the proper intelligence. It is only now that I have learned the truth, that the stories told of our kind are told for one purpose alone – to seduce and tempt the good-natured. Everything told of our super-natural powers is a lie.
It is too late for me, Peter, but not too late for yourself. I emplore you to remove yourself from those that are feeding you this disinformation, to instead find yourself a wife and retire to the countryside. Grow old and die surrounded by those that you love, for only then will you recognize that you have truly lived.
Most sincerely,