I don’t know why it took me so long to catch up on this story… but I’m glad I did. I liked the opening line where you explain how romance is different during pre-wrinkle age from post-wrinkle age— in a swift turn of phrase. And then it was just plain enjoyable to read from there.
@Ben yeah I’ve been married since 20, so I had to put myself in other’s shoes. @Tad thanks! older people feel young inside, so it isn’t all that different, just more unexpected.
Lovely and sweetly romantic. The sentence about him declaring he could love whom he wanted wound up somewhat confusing, as did the one about pre-wrinkle age. I think it was just the term that made me reread it a few times. Very romantic, and I do like that it pushes the line a bit, challenges the Hollywood sort of mentality that only young people have great romances.