I tried to blend kihd’s and officially’s together. Making a non-lethal situation into a quest for survival. Come to your own conclusion on the end.
There is one. May not be as cryptic as I’m making it out to be.. But please Let me know what you think the ending was.. After one or two conclusions I’ll tell you.
Hmm… I like it. I’ll have to think about the conclusion though. This is pretty interesting.
Did you bring a new character into the story? The only one that hasn’t been written about yet is the girl, Lucy, but you said the game was played once an hour for one homeless man.
Oh! No I simply forgot it wasn’t left out and since you guys didn’t do more than one ficly I thought that since literally this is my best I’d make it one ficly.
I didn’t want to copy you guys so I added and subtracted elements from both the best that I could.
I’m satisfied with this though I didn’t meet the formula by one character.. If I can do another ficly I’ll elaborate more on who the girl would represent which I already have an idea for.
Nice job. Check that last sentence in the third paragraph – I can’t seem to make sense of it (likely needs to be shortened or broken up into two sentences?)
I got a distinct feeling of perverse charity or tradition from this story, exactly like the kind I got from reading Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” or William James’ “The Ones who Walk Away From Omelas.” Especially after that line about “perverse entertainment.”