True- cheers to us and may we do each other’s stories honor! Oh and speaking of which I am super-honored that you continued one of my stories twice! As to your question- I sequel-ed this one for a couple of reasons. A) it was more along the lines of what I imagined with the short lived mentor aspect (though both sequels were good), B) it didn’t have another character coming in at the end (I’m always worried about detailing a character that someone has added but not described) and C) the possibility of the rape hadn’t occurred to me and added a new dimension to the danger. Really my sequel could work for either though.
I’m also interested in your thoughts as well. What aspects of the story intrigue you? What kind of world do you think this takes place in/on? Do you have a goal in mind or do you like the sort of meandering nature that is the base for most Ficly collaborations?
About the story itself, what I found appealing was that you had written a main character with significant potential: so damaged yet with the potential for great power as well.
I am also exploring the process by which this story is being written, and I hope that I can convince you to keep exchanging sequels with me for a while yet. This, to me, is a story where it is the journey that is important, not the destination. Neither of us has control, and the story can go off in novel directions. Like life.
I honestly have no idea where the story is going to go. When I write a chapter, I do have an idea of where I’d like to see it go over the next few installments, but I’m very careful not to state it too explicitly. If I did, the story wouldn’t surprise me as much as I’d like it to.
You should never be afraid to take the story where you’d like to see it go: I surrender my installments knowing that, while I have influence, I have no control. That’s just life!
August Rode
Robert Quick
August Rode
J. Rein B.
Tina Murphy