This is gross, dude. But well executed with detail. Except for the ‘ly’ words like drunkenly (in the 2nd paragraph), and strangely (in the 1st paragraph) and pungently (in the 3rd paragraph). These ‘ly’ words water down the story with vagueness— I bet if you went through and looked for alternatives for these words this would become a resounding 5 stars. For example, instead of ‘strangly’, just say, “…in a strange and rustic room.”
I read this bit of info in a writer’s book in high school and it has really enhanced my writing… I hope it helps you too.
Ah drinking, so much fun I missed out on as a youth. Pretty well told for the most part, and I think Tad hit the main points of why it was good but not fully awesome.
No problemo. It’s nice to see that you’ve taken the constructive criticism in stride. So much good stuff can come from being open to editing. Great job, VP. You’ve earned a five and my respect.
The vagueness is a byproduct of the drunkenness Tad, try to think of any given time where the world seems clear and vivid the morning after a night of intense drinking. In any other case i’d agree with you, but I believe the ‘ly’ words add to the effect.
I like the way the vomiting is downplayed, like a sneeze or something… (“He paused briefly from his musing”). I also love that he put the dog back in the toilet.
I’m waiting for the holocausty part… for things to get truly horrific and see the story live up to it’s title (yes, this is me encouraging & egging you on… yes, also encouraging depravity lit…)
sorry my comment is so late… this is my 1st visit to Ficly in months…