
Train of Consciusness 2

Clowns with funny hats and lice from sharing funny hats are always grumpy. Always sad, and always happy. I like them. They’re always goofy. Always nice and fun to play with. Clowns. Colorful and fun. Never met one. Always wanted to be a friend of one so they could always cheer me up or maybe i’d have to cheer them up i don’t know. seriously who goes off and becomes a clown? who starts off their life saying “i want to be a clown!” dumbasses, that’s who. people who are stupid want to be clowns. so nobody that’s pretending to be happy is actually happy. it’s just another way to pay the bills. that’s why people don’t like them a lot? I don’t know. I still like them. They’re smiley and happy and make me balloon animals. I got a snake once. What a ripoff.

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