
The Freak Parade.

New York City is not particularly well suited for those with weak minds and the inclination to consume LSD. There’s a lot going on on even the most mundane of days. It’s a lot to keep up with and process when your mind is pulsing with the weird power of high octane psychedelics.

Speeding cabs, dangerous neighborhoods, the indecipherable maze of subway tunnels and trains with shifting schedules, dark blue thugs with shiny badges and guns, and towering skyscrapers in every direction that seem to loom over you like a collection of concrete gods in judgment. Some people can’t handle this scene sober, let alone with a dangerously high dose of acid. Me? I’m a fucking adventurer.

Tonight’s adventure was one for the ages. I saw a head-to-toe red devil plowing into a priest’s poop-hole in the bushes, President Obama shooting heroin in an alley, an Old West cowboy vomiting into the gutter, the Joker passed out on a bench, and Little Bo Peep going down on Sarah Palin in a dive bar.

Another Halloween in the LES.

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