
The Old One

Deep in space she drifted, the light of distant stars guiding her. She had been out there for eons forgotten by time, aimlessly floating until the fates aligned and she had the luck to crash land on a planet or moon once again. It happened now and again setting her free on a terrestrial surface, free to destroy. She did not know how long she had been drifting but it did not matter time was irrelevant to her. She had been there from the beginning of this universe and would be here still for it’s end. There were others like her she knew, she had never seen another in all of her travels but they were out there. Once she had crashed on a planet fresh with the beginnings of life, before she destroyed it she had seen the scars of a previous visit from her kind aged with time from millions of years before. That was their curse, they destroyed until there was no more then they drifted for untold time, with no home save for the black emptiness. She closed her mind again settling back into slumber, waiting.

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