Examine world.
At the turn in the road you perceive a crossroads. To the east, there lies a large forest. To the west you see a white house, with a boarded front door. To the north there appears to be a dirt track leading into the mountains.
> examine mountains
The mountains are huge, made of grey stone capped by pure snow.
> north
You head north, stopping when the trail reaches an abandoned mining tunnel. A sign is propped against a tree to the left. A lantern hangs beneath an old nail.
> take lantern
You take the lantern.
> use matches on lantern
The match flares brightly when you strike it. The lantern, though old, still has oil left in it and burns dimly.
> go into tunnel
You enter the tunnel. It slopes downwards steeply. At last you reach the bottom, where more tunnels branch off to the east and west.
> go west
You head west. Along the way, you hear water splashing and odd echoes. All of a sudden, the lantern goes out.
> look
It is very dark. You try not to think about grues.