
Mr. Gelato Name

His name was Gregory Thomas Maximus.
When I first got to know him, I thought that he was pretty amazing. He was brilliant, eccentric (but in a good way), deep, and very outspoken. All very attractive traits—to me, anyway. Greg was also very wealthy. And I’m no gold digger, but that is just a big, giant plus on my list. And on top of that, Greg had a pretty awesome name. I mean, c’mon. Gregory Thomas Maximus? That just rolls off your tongue. It’s almost like a smooth gelato melting in your mouth when you say it. Or, at least, that’s what it seems like to me.
But, just like everything else in life, there’s a catch.
He’s a total asshole.
I’m dating Gregory Thomas Maximus. And he’s a total asshole.
How do I feel about that?
I’m not so sure.

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