On the subject of rabbits, Bugs Bunny always used to say, “I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.” when he ended up someplace that he didn’t expect to be. That’s the way I feel now. I suppose, like Katya, that I have no idea where we are or who these people are or what we’re doing here. For this one, I will definitely need to think and it will be a few days.
At least she’s off the roof of the railway car, and about to eat for the first time in 3 days!
I suppose that is true. I feel like I owe you an explanation because I have answers- some of them at any rate. Sometimes they change depending on what happens on your side of the story, If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them as best as I can. I can tell you this much, this is a fork- on one path we meet the Greys, on the other path despite Katya’s thoughts this IS a hallucination, more vivid and descriptive in direct proportion to the ‘wound’. I’m sorry to blindfold you and chuck you into the midst of things but hopefully that helps.
I see there’s a prequel, but I’ve still read this first – and it has just the right amounts of ambiguity and action to feel perfectly readable as a standalone story…
I really enjoyed the description of the woman’s voice being a ‘warm counter-point’ – that’s a beautiful line.
@Robert – Don’t think of it as blindfolding. Think of it more as a solid backhand shot right down the line. It’s up to me to make the best return volley that I’m able to.
Asking questions isn’t allowed in any case, so I’ll have to muddle through. ;-) I’ve had some time to think and I know my next strategy: when in doubt, stall. Next installment within the next couple of days!