An intriguing kind of ‘non-ficly’ – something existing in the realm of fiction/non-fiction, but also distinctly separate from it. Defining it, perhaps.
Reading other pieces, be they yours or others, through this lens, would undoubtedly provoke questioning and critiquing, and that’s always a good thing… Thank you! MH :)
the best line here, due to it’s clarity of description: Anything that COULD happen HAS happened. For that matter, anything that COULDN’T happen has most likely happened as well. :) I was thinking.. THEINTERNET! But i know, this goes way beyond that.. the chronicle, not bad, but it needs a form.. just my opinion..
Nicely done as an entry to the challenge. It’s definitely out there but stays consistent within itself. It kind of reminds me of the Marvel Comics ‘What If…’ series.
It’s different, ambiguous, but I think you make it work. There’s something about the “anything that could happen has happened. For that matter, anything that couldn’t happen has most likely happened as well” reminded me of the Infinite Improbability concept in Hitchhiker’s Guide. I think that since this “Chronicle” is, at least here, of ambiguous form, it leaves some freedom to blend in wherever he/she/it needs to. That would be interesting to explore, having different forms of the same being in different times and places, and probabilities as well. This definitely has continuing potential, and it’d be interesting to look at other pieces through that lens… and good on ya for being the first to enter! =)