

“No!” Ferrum yelled as he watched Aphotic launch herself after their falling sister. Nology tugged at his hand, demanding his attention.

“She said to remind you about strength and make sure we continued,” Nology said, her blue eyes round and bright with unshed tears. His jaw tightened, but he nodded. Together they watch what was happening below.

Lithic was a bright green meteor brilliant against the shadowed dullness of the Forgotten Lands. Before she hit the ground, a stunted tree burst into sudden flower and lifted new branches to the sky, catching and cradling the eldest sibling.

Aphotic arrowed to the ground, fire igniting in her throat. Lithic stood her ground, then disappeared beneath a roaring blast of fire and darkness.

The smoke cleared revealing grass and vines, branches from trees and shrubs growing into a great bower over the beast. Rising above, hair streaming, arms lifted in a graceful arc, Lithic called upon powers that were ancient before she was born.

The beast roared into silence.

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