Misguided Soul
Watch Sam go
Go go into the distance
While I, his faithful bike
Remains tossed aside
His trusty
But perhaps
A little rusty
Bike I am
A title I was once proud of
Now not so sure of
Watch Sam go
Go go with his new car
Plenty stronger
Plenty faster
Plenty prettier
Then the car breaks
A failure in all the glamour
So Sam returns returns
To me, his trusty rusty bike
Watch Sam go
Go go with me again!
Sam and I having enough fun
To make me forget the past
Of forgotten
But alas! What’s this?
A new car
Sits in the drive
So shiny it appeared
To wink knowing
Who will triumph
No! Don’t!
Too late
To try
Tossed aside
Simply forgotten
And again…
Watch Sam go
Go go with that shiny car
Forget all I’ve done
Forget all we’ve done
Forget it all
Leave me
Your trusty rusty bike
On the sidewalk
And who knows
Perhaps someone
More caring will pick me up
But until then
I watch Sam