The son is the narrator from the original story It Runs But Never Leaves. You could certainly go back to him but I kinda think we’ve tapped him out thus far… at least until inspiration strikes.
WHAT? The son is the narrator? I just reread it… are you sure? I mean, really sure? Because I did not get that…. ha ha. =) I just kind of thought it was some random drunk driver who killed the girls and THAT was the story he shared?!?!?
It was some random driver (not drunk) that hit the girls (see “Survivor’s Guilt”). The narrator in the first story lost two sisters in a car accident. The night of the accident the girls were on their way home from college for Christmas break. The were hit and their mother found out from a police officer (your story). This story is told by her husband/the girls’ father when he comes home and hears the bad news. Thus, the son referred to is the initial narrator.
Yes, yes… not drunk. I recall 2 drink tickets clearly now… But the narrator in the first storylost two sisters? I didn’t make that connection. Am I missing something? I am confused!! :P