That reminds me a lot of this one comic I read, End Town. Without going into detail, some of the tech is given intelligence by removing, brainwashing, and installing the brains of the less fortunate. Things like cars, scanners, and guns.
I mention that, because in this context, that’s got a lot of connotations. Reduce, reuse and recycle.
This is an interesting take and if I would have picked up on the title sooner, I would have known before I read it that it was a bomb. I love Monty Python! Good job on the details!
This was so funny. I’m with Horrorfan. I think we tend to slip over the title sometimes to our detriment but this one was so descriptive thats why I read it.
The title comes from MontyPython and the Holy grail and references the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch, and King Arthurs difficulty in counting. You should see it if you can, it’s a hoot. Or should I say Zoot.
Bad bad Zoot. Wicked naughty Zoot. She has set alight the signal in the tower, which I just recalled is grail shaped. Oh you must punish her.