
Too Slow

“So… What did I miss?” Franklin ambled into the conference room.

All the animals were silent apart from Duck who whispered harshly to Bear beside her “Shit, dude. We forgot the turtle!”
“It’s too late,” Squirrel hissed at Owl. “He’s too late. He always is! Bloody slowpoke taking all of our time.”
“We don’t even need to know his fucking name.”

Franklin rubbed his forefeet together anxiously. “Guys?”

As Head of the Council of Animals, Bear stood from the stone table and addressed Franklin in front of anyone. “Apologies, Franklin. But you are too late. We, here, all decided that it was just too complicated to remember each other’s names, and we all knew what race each of our friends beheld. Each of us just now had our names legally changed. I once was Ursur, and now I am Bear. It just makes sense, Franklin.”
“So… So am I called Turtle now.”
“No. The lawyer just died. Some sort of imaginary monster bit his head off.” Bear looked around agitedly, picking at his teeth. " You are just Franklin."

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