Funny. It has a ‘Dr. Who’ sort of feel just with how nonchalant and unaffected the character is by it all. Aside from the sci-fi, I think it does a need job of painting a picture of a particular way of going through life.
this is beautiful. I think it is an awesome starting point for a novel, even if only a novella, but definitely you could pull a series of kids books out of it. What an awesome idea…
@scratch’n’scrawl ya, I was thinking about that while I was at my NLS course today. I have started to plan a bit more on the story and character so expect a sequel or prequel sometime in the future
@THX 0477 Thank you for the complement. Just “does a need job”? Did you mean to put down neat?
I like the tone suggesting that something’s off, but not enough to cause major freak out… THX’s Doctor Who comparison’s a good one. Definitely keep going if you’ve more to say with this one!