I think after the high drama of the previous story, it was always going to be hard to follow up – so I’m glad you didn’t follow Marcus to the execution, instead focusing on the periphery.
But although we find that Marcus is clearly a bit of a tech-master, and there’s hints at a relationship of some sort between Kal and David, this doesn’t give us much.
And that’s fine – I just think if this is going to be an extended series, keeping the pace up will be important – and that means answering at least some questions fairly soon.
Consider me still gripped, but hungry for some context – MH :)
Planning for the next bit will be a bit difficult (the 1024 character limit can get a bit frustrating) but I think what’s on the memory stick will help clear up a few question. But, alas, I have an english project to work on and a test to study for so you won’t see anything tonight. I’ll aim for either tomorrow or Wednesday to release the next part.
aww, he DID die. oh well. interesting choice, using two male characters, taking a non-traditional spin. And the statement about the encryption alone being worth a fortune, is golden!