I think maybe someone needs to call The Mentalist a cab. :)
Great stereotypical mustache-twisting, girl-tied-to-the-train-tracks villain.
I have to laugh at a machine built to conquer the world having parameters that include killing his mad creator. Suicide or programmer oversight?
The idea I had is that he was programmed specifically to conquer the world. The key word there being “he,” not his creator. So naturally the first thing he did was remove him from the equation. Can’t have any equals when you’re gonna conquer the world. So yeah, programmer oversight. It’s hard to keep track of details when you’re a mad scientist.
The idea I had is that he was programmed specifically to conquer the world. The key word there being “he,” not his creator.
So naturally the first thing he did was remove him from the equation. Can’t have any equals when you’re gonna conquer the world.
So yeah, programmer oversight. It’s hard to keep track of details when you’re a mad scientist.
Building megalomaniacal robots never works out. Just ask Hank Pym.
I like it! Anything with down on their luck villains usually is a winner in my eyes.
I liked it so much I wrote a sequel that I’m totally not happy with! Way to be a hard act to follow, Olivaw.
I’m imagining this bar in the same city as Geebs’ Resisting Arrest and it’s making me so darn amused.