Well, that’s certainly good to know. It wouldn’t be the same around here without you.
That aside, writer’s block does indeed suck all the ass. Here’s something I do when I’m very stuck…start…writing…anything. Write about your day, make it as simple as possible. “Driving to work, I saw a car of unusual color.” “Today I noticed that my pants fit differently.” etc…as boring is this may seem, just getting your fingers moving on the keys can help loosen them up and get the creative juices flowing.
And if you’re not writing, you’d better be reading. :)
Be well.
I gave you pencils because this is a very emotional spiral piece. It disturbed me a great deal…which is probably your point. Well done.
I really, really like the structure of the story, and how it keeps coming back to the man in front of the typewriter. A really strong emotional piece. Good show.