
Friday, November 22, 1963

My birthday was on friday. I was gonna be five. We were going to have cake and presents. My grand parents who lived away were coming over and we would have a party that night, when my dad got home from work. My little brother and I were playing in the living room. Then something bad happened. Mommy and Auntie Carmen were sitting there watching the TV and crying. My brother and I went to mommy.

“Why are you crying”, I asked.

“Because a bad thing just happened and we are sad,” she said taking me up in her arms.

Tears started to form in my eyes too, as I tried to understand. I was more upset that mommy was crying, than for any thing else.

“Someone killed the president,” she said.

“Why,” I asked.

“I don’t know honey,” she said as she held me close.

The adults tried to make the party happy, but their hearts just weren’t in it.

The next day I was very upset that they cancelled all the cartoons on TV.

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