Oh, very nice. I like the mention of spines, with no other context.
Oh, very nice.
I like the mention of spines, with no other context.
Using “secret” as a verb is about the best thing you can do. This is a nifty little slice of drama from a nifty little writer. Not that you’re little or anything…how would I know? You look like Chevy Chase.
I love it.
way to rip off finnegan’s wake you doucher (i love this piece. it’s fantastic, and the title clues you in to what’s happening to this poor soul)
way to rip off finnegan’s wake you doucher
(i love this piece. it’s fantastic, and the title clues you in to what’s happening to this poor soul)
Oh man I am entertained. The title didn’t tip me off until I’d finished reading, you clever, clever goose.
I like it. Very clever, cleverface. Also, evocative description should go without saying for your stuff at this point.
It’s a clever, fun piece, but the mood is a little vanilla.
Ahh, comments. Thanks guys.