

I was healing. It took all summer for my heart to be completely restored, if it ever even was. I don’t really know. I thought that I was done with you. I promised myself I was done with you. I wasn’t going to put myself through that again.

You were with her. She was the one that changed you. She gave you what I wouldn’t, and for a while, you liked that. But it got old. The game was over; you had won. She thought you both were in love, when really you were just giving her “love” in return for what you wanted. I knew. I knew everything. I could see right through all of it, and I think somehow you knew that. You dumped her.

We were friends again I guess you could say. Whenever you talked to me or I saw you, I knew that there was something there. I couldn’t put a name on it. Maybe it was respect. I felt it though, and it was good. I wouldn’t let myself even think about you. I didn’t want to risk anything

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