The deck implanted in the detective’s skull received a message from the precinct’s comm relay and he opened the channel.
“Hamilton here,” he said with a bored monotone.
“This is Officer Garby from patrol, I’ve got a triple homicide down here in a back alley just off of Avenue A.”
“A homicide?” Hamilton sat up and looked around the empty office. It had been a long time since anyone had tried one of these. “If someone was stupid enough to snuff three people, it will be on one of the relay’s comm logs. Just find the nearest one, compare the logs of the deceased with the nearby uploads around the time of death, filter out the uploads that aren’t pertinent, and snatch your shooter’s feed from the log.”
“We tried that, detective,” the patrolman said with clear frustration. “As far as we can tell, the shooter’s upload is missing from the nearest relay. All the relays in the area, in fact.”
“That’s impossible,” Hamilton said angrily, “you’re not filtering correctly or you missed it. I’m coming down there.”