
In Between Minds: The Escape from Camp 32

It was a simple matter of forcing people to see the fantasy of my choice rather than the reality in front of their noses. This was the first time I’d demonstrated that talent rather than using it to deceive. I learned the basics of it at Camp 32, but I had lots of practice with it since I started running.

I remembered my escape from the camp vividly. I had been hiding the extent and range of my abilities which wasn’t easy. Guards weren’t permitted within 10 meters of me, but they strayed within 15 meters—my actual range—often enough for me to learn the camp schedule. When the right time came, I hitched a ride on an outbound produce truck. Neither the truck driver nor the guard that checked the truck for escaping inmates ever saw me. I am still amused that freedom smells like cabbage.

Kseniya said, “Impressive. This should work.”

Martin was less certain. “I still see you, Katya. There’s no reason for the police to have someone like me with them, but it’s possible. Let’s hope that luck is on our side.”

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