Ooh, very interesting, I’m likin’ it. I’m curious to know what the narrator has to do to try and right this. I don’t know any German, so I’m curious as to what the title means.
Ooh, very interesting, I’m likin’ it. I’m curious to know what the narrator has to do to try and right this.
I don’t know any German, so I’m curious as to what the title means.
Copy the title and paste it into the Google Translation program at Google dot com. Click on German english. The German titl;e was deigned to imply that the germans won’t give up so easily. :)
Copy the title and paste it into the Google Translation program at Google dot com. Click on German english.
The German titl;e was deigned to imply that the germans won’t give up so easily. :)
Ah-ha… I asked before I went to Google translator because I only trust online translators with single words at best.